Continuously supplying fresh and tasty vegetables, grown in high-tech greenhouses. Consumers in metropoles in emerging markets go to supermarkets for their daily groceries. They buy fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, salads, and are looking for year-round constant supply. Modern techniques are available to produce these vegetables close to were the are consumed. For instance by using modern greenhouses, vertical farming, LED lightening, and so on. These new techniques secure constant supply, low use of water, low use of nutrients and chemicals and a very safe product. FoodVentures invested in it's first greenhouses in Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Tomatoes, cucumbers and salads are grown in high-tech environments, and sold to local retailers and Horeca. The operations are under permanent Dutch management, with growers who have over 35 years experience in growing vegetables in contained environments. FoodVentures teams up with local investors to get the best of both worlds.
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