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FM Group
FM Group

A close, accessible trading partner with a dominant position in the horticultural sector. The commercial spirit, the family-run company culture and the result-oriented way of working go hand in hand with a personal and pleasant relationship. We are committed to linking each party in the horticultural industry to each other through our House of Services so every entrepreneur can perform optimally. FM Group has a rich, adventurous history spanning more than fifty years. FM Group connects all parties in the supply chain by operating from a "House of Services". We focus on three working areas: specialist trade (florists), wholesale businesses, and retail and e-retail. FM Group is active in the product groups of flowers, plants, and accessories. FM Group offers solutions for many types of entrepreneurs. Customers can purchase both centrally and de-centrally. FM Group is purchasing from different locations around the world and always carries out quality control. Also, the sales channels, such as Cash & Carry's, purchase locally. This means that you can also purchase local products from FM Group. The services within the group - such as the marketing agency and the business intelligence department - support optimising the sales of the customer groups and offer sales promotion resources, but also sales data per area/country. With our exceptional scale and strength in the field of human capital, global and local sourcing, widespread distribution and services, FM Group aims to strengthen the position of the global specialist and wholesaler.

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